Prof. Rachna Asthana
Director AITHProf. Rachna Asthana, Director, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped, Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur was Professor in Electronics Engineering Department of Harcourt Butler Technical University Kanpur.
Prof. Asthana is Member of Board of Governors of various Engineering Colleges, Member of Academic Councils of various Engineering Colleges and Universities, Member of Finance Committees of various Institutes and Universities, Member of National Coordination Committee for Induction Program of All India Council for Technical Education. She is also Dean, Faculty of Value Education of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh.
Prof. Asthana during her tenure at HBTU Kanpur worked as TEQIP-III Coordinator, RUSA Coordinator (grant of Rs. 55 crores had been sanctioned for conversion of HBTI into HBTU), Presiding Officer, Internal Grievance Redressal Committee, Head of the Department and Chairman, Board of Studies, Electronics Engineering Department.
During her present tenure at AITH, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Research Center has been established under the DDUQIP scheme of AKTU with a Vision to Empower People with Disability, to live with Dignity and Respect. Some of the other achievements are establishment of Innovation and Incubation Cell, Nodal center of Value Education of AKTU, approval of AITH as the research center of AKTU for admissions of PhD Scholars, grant of Rs 4 crores under DDUQIP for second Block of girls’ hostel. A solar power plant of 108 KWp capacities has been installed and functional for green energy.
Prof. Rachna Asthana has extensive experience of more than 30 years in teaching, research, and development. She has guided many PhD theses, and M. Tech dissertations. She has published research papers in reputed journals like IEEE and proceedings of international and national conferences. She has organised many faculty development programs. She is also member of various professional societies.