Gold (₹ 1 Lac)

  1. Advertisement on NCEIB-2022 home page.
  2. Advertisement (full page) on back cover page of e-abstract book*.
  3. Space at the conference venue to open a counter for exhibition.
  4. Free participation of two delegates.

Silver (₹ 50,000)

  1. Advertisement on NCEIB-2022 home page.
  2. Advertisement (full page) on back cover page of e-abstract book*.
  3. Free participation of two delegates.

Bronze (₹ 25,000)

  1. Advertisement on NCEIB-2022 home page.
  2. Advertisement (half page) on inner pages of e-abstract book*.


  1. Advertisement (half page) on inner pages of e-abstract book.

*Subject to availability (first come first served); alternatively on inner page (front cover) or inner page (back cover) or on any other page as available.


10 June, 2022
Abstract Submission Opens

15 October, 2022
Abstract Submission Closes

20 October, 2022
Acceptance Notification

10 June, 2022
Registration Opens

Copyright NCEIB 2022 Conference. All Rights Reserved.